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Downstairs, Capital Ballroom / Middle [clear filter]
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Wednesday, June 5

10:00am EDT

CTF Competition
As many of you know, we pride ourselves with this CTF being an all-inclusive learning CTF and not just a ‘stump the chump / who’s the best engineer in the room’ kind of CTF. That said, we need volunteers to come up with fresh ideas, challenges, and setups that are both fun and informative. Additionally, we do want to provide a challenge for those who show up looking for one, so if you are a more advanced user or admin and have some killer challenges that can stump someone, we’ll need those too for the higher tiers.

You’ll need a laptop to participate. Teams can have up to 4 people, or you may compete as an individual.
For those who like to come prepared, we suggest that you have a VM or two ready. You can download Kali Linux here (https://www.kali.org/downloads/) or get a free Windows VM here (https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/downloads/virtual-machines/). Some tools that might be helpful include CyberChef, BurpSuite, Ghidra, Pwntools, and Wireshark.

The MetaCTF team has been involved with the RVAsec CTF since 2016.

Thanks to Corelight for sponsoring!

Wednesday June 5, 2024 10:00am - 3:00pm EDT
Downstairs, Capital Ballroom / Middle
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